Sailing ships

Experience sailing ships with data, photos, videos and history here!

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Contact and legal notice

Tallship-fan is a project with the aim of collecting data, photos, videos and historical facts about sailing ships and to present them to other lovers of sailing ships.

Furthermore you can also identify sailing ships that you have seen or photographed by certain very simple characteristics.

Many friends of sailing ships support this data collection. I am very grateful to everyone for that. Please keep sending hints and information that will help to improve the data of sailing ships, photos, videos and historical facts.


Volker Gries
Georg-Büchner-Straße 21
18055 Rostock
M a i l

Data privacy, disclaimer and copyright

When you use this website, various personal data are collected. The  data privacy statement (in German only) explains, what data is collected and what it is used for.

For other linked websites the respective provider of the website is always responsible for the content.

The content on this website is subject to German copyright law.

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43rd Rumregatta Flensburg 2024

43rd Rumregatta Flensburg 2024

If you look at the old editions of the Flensburg Harbour Journal, you can learn a lot about the origins of the Rumregatta, which is now considered the largest event...

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Sailing from Harlingen to Terschelling 2023

Sailing from Harlingen to Terschelling

At the end of each sailing season there are still some attractive regattas for traditional sailing ships on the coast of the Netherlands ...

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