Sailing ships

Experience sailing ships with data, photos, videos and history here!

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Would you like to get to know sailing ships?

Tallship-fan Logo with sailing ship

This website is dedicated to all lovers of traditional sailing ships.

Tallship-fan is a project with the aim of collecting data, photos, videos and historical facts about sailing ships and to  present them to other lovers of sailing ships.

Furthermore you can also  identify sailing ships that you have seen or photographed by certain very simple characteristics.

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Do you know these sailing ships?

Unknown sailing ships to identify as teaser

Some of the sailing ships in photos could not yet be identified. Can you please send us information or assumptions? We're thankful for any hint. Please refer to this list again and again, as it is continuously updated. Perhaps it will be possible to assign the names of the sailing ships to the photos.

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Figurehead of sailing ship as teaser

The fishermen of the Mediterranean painted eyes to the bow of their boats. Usual subjects for figureheads are heads of animals, mythologic motifs, figures of saints and personages, women, arms and escutcheons, which are fitted at the bow of a sailing ship below the bowsprit.

The figurehead of a sailing ship is loved and deified by the crew. ...

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43rd Rumregatta Flensburg 2024

43rd Rumregatta Flensburg 2024

If you look at the old editions of the Flensburg Harbour Journal, you can learn a lot about the origins of the Rumregatta, which is now considered the largest event...

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Sailing from Harlingen to Terschelling 2023

Sailing from Harlingen to Terschelling

At the end of each sailing season there are still some attractive regattas for traditional sailing ships on the coast of the Netherlands ...

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